

My subway has be late...

I have runing becouse my daughter got flu from yesterday. Reportedly announced railwayman, somebody fall down on the rail. Maybe suicide? Anyway i'm pretty busy. Please runing my train><

Pea sprouts(豆苗) prices doubled in Japan.

Pea sprouts prices doubled in Japan. Pea sprouts prices usually 100 yen. But I seen prices 213 yen today! Of course increased consumption tax against prices too. The Japan life very tricky....

My pc doesn't work after my daughter kick to my pc....

My pc doesn't work after my daughter kick to my pc....( ノД`)シクシク… The display showed 'Bad block' by event viewer. So i bought Hard Disk  in Ebisu city. (Ebisu City = Osaka of Japan) My pc showed 'operation system wasn't found' after Disk exchange and os reload... (ディスク交換後、表示された・・・・) Apparently... My pc has been broken boot area. どうやら、ブート領域設定が吹っ飛んでぃる模様。 Windows 10 boot disk have make create boot area tool. (Windows 10の修復ディスクでブート領域を作成できます!) Tool name is bcdboot!! for example:  bcdboot c:\windows /s c:  Ltr c: is actual volume name. You can confirm or setting that use diskpart command. My pc has been recover after use bcdboot command!! (*´▽`*)

どう考えてもインサイダー取引 | I think that ceo just making insider traiding.

タイミングがヤバすぎる・・ I thinking danger trading. プロセッサーの脆弱性を認識後、CEOが27億円相当の自社株を売却(BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN) - Y!ニュース https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20180106-00010002-binsider-sci #Yahooニュースアプリ

ルビーは・・・ランクを落としすぎたな・・・ Ruby popularity rate pretty down....

Rubyは・・・ランクを落としすぎたな・・・ Ruby popularity rate pretty down.... Pythonに近い世代の言語で、Pythonと対象的にこれだけ差がついてしまったら、今後シェアは壊滅的になっていくだろう・・・ Ruby never raise rate against python. Ruby might be fade out and gone that in my view. TIOBE INDEX FOR December Good by ruby... I'm might be learn to python. Python have future so far. これまでに、Objective-Cやったり、JAVAやったり色々するけれど、、、 結局の所作るものは同じ・・・ いい加減新しいのを覚える無駄な時間リスクを捨てたいところだけれども・・・ Pythonが時間を掛けて4位に浮上してきたのは、本物と見て良いのかな・・・ 気乗りしないけれど・・・本買ってやってみよう。・。・。・。・ Really annoy....